Thanks, Daniel.
Code: Select all
Program called with the following parameters:
* downscale = 2
* exportIntermediateResults = 0
* imagesFolder = "C:/Users/danie/OneDrive/Desktop/MeshroomCache/PrepareDenseScene/b2406cba29b7bca9c1b7f7b20977f829d551ca90"
* input = "C:/Users/danie/OneDrive/Desktop/MeshroomCache/StructureFromMotion/fd2c7716637715655dd599e881a3611ee36cd747/"
* maxViewAngle = 70
* minViewAngle = 2
* nbGPUs = 0
* output = "C:/Users/danie/OneDrive/Desktop/MeshroomCache/DepthMap/85781bf56f678144ed9520f6411463441b5bc977"
* rangeSize = 3
* rangeStart = 39
* refineGammaC = 15.5
* refineGammaP = 8
* refineMaxTCams = 6
* refineNDepthsToRefine = 31
* refineNSamplesHalf = 150
* refineNiters = 100
* refineSigma = 15
* refineUseTcOrRcPixSize = 0
* refineWSH = 3
* sgmGammaC = 5.5
* sgmGammaP = 8
* sgmMaxTCams = 10
* sgmWSH = 4
* verboseLevel = "info"
[20:49:48.500891][info] CUDA-Enabled GPU.
Device information:
- id: 0
- name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
- compute capability: 5.2
- total device memory: 4095 MB
- device memory available: 3369 MB
- per-block shared memory: 49152
- warp size: 32
- max threads per block: 1024
- max threads per SM(X): 2048
- max block sizes: {1024,1024,64}
- max grid sizes: {2147483647,65535,65535}
- max 2D array texture: {65536,65536}
- max 3D array texture: {4096,4096,4096}
- max 2D linear texture: {65536,65536,1048544}
- max 2D layered texture: {16384,16384,2048}
- number of SM(x)s: 13
- registers per SM(x): 65536
- registers per block: 65536
- concurrent kernels: yes
- mapping host memory: yes
- unified addressing: yes
- texture alignment: 512 byte
- pitch alignment: 32 byte
[20:49:48.602884][info] Supported CUDA-Enabled GPU detected.
[20:50:12.806422][info] Found 1 image dimension(s):
[20:50:12.806422][info] - [3840x2160]
[20:50:13.481382][info] Overall maximum dimension: [3840x2160]
[20:50:13.482341][info] Create depth maps.
[20:50:13.482341][info] # GPU devices: 1, # CPU threads: 4
[20:50:13.482341][info] Plane sweeping parameters:
- scale: 2
- step: 3
[20:50:13.482341][info] PlaneSweepingCuda:
- _nImgsInGPUAtTime: 2
- scales: 2
- subPixel: Yes
- varianceWSH: 4