FlexScan3D and reverse engineering 2

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FlexScan3D and reverse engineering 2

Post by greenskynet »

Hello every friends
Today I was working on a personal project and I decided to record a video about the method of reversing a region of an industrial part.
Here I tried to reversed the interior surface of the pipe line of this part, for this purpose I must consider several factors like:
The final surface must be as similar as possible to the source mesh.
The final surface must have G1 or G2 connections, sharp edges is not acceptable
the Final surface must be beautiful to attract the attention of customers.
I must pay care about thickness of the walls and the body of the piece. Reducing thickness of the walls is not acceptable.

Meanwhile you can see that it is not possible to scan some internal areas of the part (impossible / too difficult / not worth the time) so the redesign of this part becomes a bit more complicated.

watch this Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOlYK14lPXs&t=80s

Reverse Engineering FlexScan3D.jpg
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